Thursday, April 30, 2015


1.'heads over heels in love ' means?
---. loving somebody very much
2.Which is the correct passive form of the sentence '' Your conduct pleased me ''
-- I was pleased at your conduct
3.Choose the verb form of '' Friend'
-- befriend
4.What is the synonym of 'Reveal'?
5.Fill in the blank wit appropriate preposition in the sentence
I was pleased ---------- hear about your promotion.
-- to
6.'Swan song ' means--
--last work
7.Sinners will suffer ----
-- in the long run
8.''all men must die''- negative form of this sentence is---
--- None but all men will die
9.I would rather die----
--than beg
10.Had I been Rich , I --------------------
would have helped the poor
11.Do not insist ----- his going there.
12.What is the noun form of 'Believe'
13.Select the right word to fill in the sentence
'' He ran fast lest he ---- miss the train.''
14.Phonetics in concerned with ---
-- Pronunciation
15.He advised me ------------ smoking.
--- to give up
16.Would you mind (to take) simply a cup of coffee?
the correct verb form would the--
17.The passive form of the sentence '' Do it as I say'' is---
Let it be done as I say
18.''Blued blood ' means
--aristocratic birth
19.I look forward ----------you.
--to hearing from
20.We worked hard so that we -------- succeed .
21.------------- water of this pond is clear .Use article
22.Which one is compound noun?
-- Headmaster
23.The man was ------ murder.
--hanged for
24.Choose the correct sentence :
-- No sooner had I come than he went away

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