Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Idioms & Phrases

1. Black sheep --wicked man
2. At a low ebb --declining
3. At stake. --in danger
4. Dark horse --unknown person
5. Deep water --in trouble
6. Hush money --bribe
7. Herculean task --a very difficult task
8. All and sundry --everyone
9. Crying needs --dam important
10. For good --for ever
11. Loom large --important role
12. In a nutshell --briefly
13. Far cry --long distance
14. In high spirits --cheerful
15. Let things slide --ignore
16. Block Head --Foolish
17. Salt of life --valuable things
18. Wear and tear --depreciation
19. At a stretch --without break
20. To lose heart --to lose courage

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