Monday, September 29, 2014

Right form of verb

Complete the following text with suitable verbs in the list with their right form. 0.5×8=4
wake, hear, hear, go, be, tremble, see, eat
Sumi (a)¾many stories about ghosts from her grandmother in her childhood. Since then she is always afraid of ghosts although she (b)¾any ghost. Once she (c)¾to her uncle's house in Chittagong to spend a few days. Her uncle's house was over a hill. There (d)¾trees all around the house. One day after (e)¾supper she went to bed. At midnight she suddenly (f)¾a shrill cry. She (g)¾up. She heard the sound again. She (h)¾with fear.
Answer-24: (a) has heard; (b) has not seen; (c) went; (d) were; (e) eating; (f) heard; (g) woke; (h) was trembling.
come, fall, recognize, take, live, be, jump, see
One day a farmer (a)¾some sacks of wheat to a mill. The mill (b)¾a few kilometres away. On the way the horse stumbled and one of the sacks (c)¾to the ground. It was too heavy for the farmer to lift and there was nobody around to help him. He was at a loss. Meanwhile he (d)¾a horseman coming towards him. His heart (e)¾. As the rider (f)¾nearer, the farmer (g)¾him. It was no other than the nobleman who (h)¾in a great house at the top of the hill.
(a) was taking; (b) was; (c) fell; (d) saw; (e) jumped; (f) was coming; (g) recognized; (h) lived.
keep, buy, want, expect, know, keep, have, start
It is 15th August. Rina is fourteen today. She (a)¾just her breakfast and is now busy cleaning and dusting the drawing room. She is having a birthday party in the afternoon. She (b)¾some of her friends to come. Her father (c)¾a blue and white dress for her. Her mother is also giving her a present. But nobody (d)¾what it is. She (e)¾it a secrete until the party (f)¾. She (g)¾to give her a pleasant surprise. Though Rina (h)¾herself busy all the day, she is wondering about it.
(a) has had; (b) is expecting; (c) has bought; (d) knows; (e) will keep; (f) starts; (g) wants; (h) keeps.
burn, live, rush, go, cry, wake, sleep, run
Last Sunday I (a)¾to bed at 9 pm and (b)¾a sound sleep. Suddenly I (c)¾up at about 1 a. m. when I heard a hue and cry at a little distance. I got up from bed and (d)¾to the spot. I saw that a cottage (e)¾. People (f)¾towards it. The old woman and the poor little girl who (g)¾in it could not come out. They (h)¾for help inside the cottage.
(a) went; (b) slept; (c) woke; (d) ran; (e) was burning; (f) were rushing; (g) lived; (h) were crying.
be, see, give, go, get, beat, reach, enter
My S.S.C. exam (a)¾on. On the exam date of English 1st paper I (b)¾stuck up in traffic jam. So I (c)¾the exam hall half an hour late. After (d)¾the exam hall. I (e)¾that all the examinees (f)¾busy in writing. The invigilator (g)¾me the answer script and the question paper. I got nervous. My heart (h)¾fast.
(a) was going; (b) got; (c) reached; (d) entering; (e) saw; (f) were; (g) gave; (h) was beating.

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