Tuesday, October 14, 2014

English Literature:

Name of the Writers and their Books:

1) “India Wins Freedom” (Autobiography) writtern by “Abul Kalam Azad”

2) “Rape of the Lock” (Poem) written by “Alexandar Pope”

3) “The Alchemist” (Story) and “Silent Woman” (Story) written by “Ben Jonson”

4) “David Copperfield” (Novel), “A Tale of Two Cities” (Novel), “The Old Curiosity Shop” (Novel), “Oliver Twist” (Novel), “Great Expectation” (Novel) written by “Charles Dickens”

5) “Tamburlaine the Great” (Play), “The Jew of Malta” (Play) and “Doctor Faustus” (Play) written by “Christopher Marlowe”

6) “A Farewell to Arms” (Novel), “The Old Man and The Sea” (Novel), “The Sun also Rises” (Novel) and “For Whom the Bell Tolls” (Novel) written by “Ernest Hemingway”

7) “Caeser and Cleopatra” (Play), “Arms and the Man” (Play), “Man and Superman” (Play) and “Doctor’s Dilema” (Play) written by “G. B. Shaw”

8) “Animal Farm” (Novel) and “Ninteen Eighty Four” (Novel) written by “George Orwell”

9) “Ode to Nightmare” (Ode), “Ode on a Grecian Urn” (Ode) and “Ode to Autumn” (Ode) written by “John Keats”

10) “Gulliver’s Travel” (Satire) written by “Jonathon Swift”

11) “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage” (Poem), “Don Juan” (Poem), “The Vision of Judgment” (Poem) and “Heaven and Earth” (Poem) written by “Lord Byron”

12) “The Patriot” (Poem) written by “Robert Browning”

13) “The Jungle Book” (Novel) written by “Rudyard Kipling”

14) Comedy Play: “Mid Summer Night’s Dream”, “The Tempest”, “As You Like It”, “Merchant of Venice”, “Julius Caeser”, “Comedy of Errors”, “The Taming of the Shrew” and

Tragedy Play: “Othello”, “Macbeth”, “King Lear”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “Hamlet” written by “William Shakespeare”

15) “Pamela” (Novel) written by “Samuel Richardson”

16) “The Gift of the Magi” (Short Story), “Cabbage and Kings” (Short Story), “Roads of Destiny” (Short Story) and “Sixes and Seven” (Short Story) written by “Sidney William Porter”

17) “Ivanhoe” (Novel), “Heart of Midlothian” (Novel), “The lay of Last Minstrel” (Poem) and “Patriotism” (Poem) written by “Sir Walter Scott”

18) “The Waste Land” (Poem) and “Four Quarters” (Poem) written by “T. S. Eliot”

19) “Of Human Bondage” (Novel) and “The Moon and Sixpence” (Novel) written by “Somerset Maugham ”

20) “Songs of Innocence, Songs of Experience” (Poem) written by “William Blake”

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