Wednesday, October 29, 2014

One word substitution

1. If a part of a speech or writing breads the theme , it is called -(33rd bcs)
-- Digression
2. Language used in office ---( 33rd bcs)
-- Officialese
3. A formal composition or speech expressing high praise of somebody (31st bcs)
-- Eulogy
4. A song embodying religious and sacred emotions(30th bcs)
-- Hymn
5.Time after twilight before night (30th bcs)
-- Dusk
6. The people who carry a coffin at a funeral are called (30th bcs)
-- pallbearers
7.A body of voters (28th bcs )
-- Electorate
8. A person who writes about his own life (27th bcs)
-- An Autobiography
9. A pilgrim is a person who undertakes a journey to a (26th bcs)
-- Holy place
10.A hater of mankind ( 25th bcs)
11. Cud-chewing animal( 22nd bcs)
12.Stating one thing like another ( 20th bcs)
-- Euphemism
13. A powerful explosive to demolish building (27th)
-- Blockbuster
14. A list of dishes at a restaurant (17th bcs)
-- Bill of fare
15. Industrial shares considered to be a safe investment (17th bcs)
--Blue chips
16.An ordinance ( 16t bcs)
-- A law
17. An imaginary story( 16th bcs)
- A fantasy
18. In fairly good condition (16th bcs)
-- Fresh
19. Of the same kind (16th bcs)
-- Homogeneous
20. Very unpleasant (16th bcs)
-- Obnoxious
21.The holding of more than one office at time (15th bcs)
-- Plurality
22. Boot leg ( 15th bcs)
23.A speech of too many word ( 14th bcs)
-- Verbose speech
24. One who unduly forwards in rendering services for others is not generally liked society (14th bcs)
-- Officious
25.Economic Slow down (13th bcs)
-- Stagflation
26. Sentence building (11th bcs)
-- Syntax

Monday, October 27, 2014

English Literature:

Samuel Johnson wrote first English Dictionary published in 1755.
William Wordsworth was a “Poet of Nature”
Shakespeare was born in 1564 and died in 1616.
“Lyric Ballads’ was published in 1798”
‘Hasting day’ in to Daffodils means “Hurriedly Passing day”
“A Tale of Two Cities” refers to the cities of “London and Paris”
“The greatest modern English Dramatist” is “G. B. Shaw”
“William Shakespeare” is mostly known for his “Plays / Dramas”
“William Blake” is known both a poet and a painter.
John Keats is primarily a Poet of Beauty.
Jonathan Swift is a famous satirist in English Literature.
W. B. Yeats translated the “Gitanzali” in to English.
Keats died of tuberculosis.
Homer was a blind poet.
Homer was a blind poet.
Famous three Greek Dramatists – Sophocles, Euripides, Aeschylus.
W. B. Yeats won the Nobel Prize in 1923.
T. S. Eliot won the Nobel Prize in 1945.

Important Full Forms of Computer

1.) GOOGLE : Global Organization Of Oriented Group Language Of Earth .
2.) YAHOO : Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle .
3.) WINDOW : Wide Interactive Network Development for Office work Solution
4.) COMPUTER : Common Oriented Machine Particularly United and used under Technical and Educational Research.
5.) VIRUS : Vital Information Resources Under Siege .
6.) UMTS : Universal Mobile Telecommunications System .
7.) AMOLED: Active-matrix organic light-emitting diode
8.) OLED : Organic light-emitting diode
9.) IMEI: International Mobile Equipment Identity .
10.) ESN: Electronic Serial Number .
11.) UPS: uninterrupted power supply .
12). HDMI: High-Definition Multimedia Interface
13.) VPN: virtual private network
14.) APN: Access Point Name
15.) SIM: Subscriber Identity Module
16.) LED: Light emitting diode.
17.) DLNA: Digital Living Network Alliance
18.) RAM: Random access memory.
19.) ROM: Read only memory.
20) VGA: Video Graphics Array
21) QVGA: Quarter Video Graphics Array
22) WVGA: Wide video graphics array.
23) WXGA: Wide screen Extended Graphics Array
24) USB: Universal serial Bus
25) WLAN: Wireless Local Area Network
26.) PPI: Pixels Per Inch
27.) LCD: Liquid Crystal Display.
28.) HSDPA: High speed down-link packet access.
29.) HSUPA: High-Speed Uplink Packet Access
30.) HSPA: High Speed Packet Access

Some Quotations:

“Beauty is truth, truth is beauty” – Keats
“To be or not to be, that is the question” – William Shakespeare (Hamlet)
“I have a dream that one day this nation will live out the true meaning of its creed that all men are created equal” – Martin Luther King.
“If winter comes, can spring be far behind” – P. B. Shelley (Ode to The West Wind)
“Brevity is the soul of wit” – Shakespeare (Hamlet)
“Justice delayed is Justice denied” – Gladstone
“Justice hurried is justice buried” – Gladstone
“They think too little who talk too much” – Dryden
“Superstition is a religion of feeble minded person ” – Edmund Burke
“To err is human, To forgive is divine” – Alexander Pope
“Cowards dies many times before their death” – William Shakespeare
“All the world’s stage and all the men and women merely players” – Shakespeare
“Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world” – Shelley
“East is East and West is West
Never the twain shall meet” – Rudyard Kipling
“Knowledge is Power” – Hobbes
“The Child is the father of a man” – William Wordsworth.
“A thing is beauty is a joy forever” – John Keats.
“Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains” – Rousseau
“Liberty consists in doing what one desires” – John Stuart Mill
“Religion is the opium of the people” – Karl Marks
“Eureka Eureka (I have found it)” – Archimedes.
“The unexamined life is not worth living” – Socrates
“Man is by nature a political animal” – Aristotle.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

DPE Application

Last date Primary Assistant Teacher 18-10-2014. So, Submits your Application on this time.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Electronics and Computer :

1. IC=Integrated Circuit.
2. SIM=Subscriber Identity Module.
3. RIM=Removable Identity Module.
4. LASER= Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
5. PC=Personal Computer.
6. CPU=Central Processing Unit.
7. ROM=Read Only Memory.
8. RAM=Random Access Memory.
9. CD=Compact Disk.
10. DVD=Digital Video Disk.
11. VIRUS=Vital Information Resources Under Seize.
12. LAN=Local Area Network.
13. MAN =Metropolitan Area Network.
14. WAN=Wide Area Network.
15. VOIP=Voice Over Internet Protocol.
16. MIS=Management Information System.
17. E-commerce=Electronic Commerce.
18. Email=Electronic Mail.
19. OMR=Optical Mark Reader.
2o.WWW=World Wide Web.
21. HTTP =Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.
22. HTML= Hyper Text Markup Language (.html, .htm)
.mobi – Mobipocket documents

23. DOC – Microsoft Word document

24. DOCX – Office Open XML document

25. DOT – Microsoft Word document template

26. JAR (.jar, .jad) – ZIP file with manifest for use with Java applications

27. RAR Rar Archive (.rar) – for multiple file archive

28. MPEG = (Moving Picture Experts Group)
1 is found in a .DAT file on a video CD. 4 is common; video in ASF- containers is also called Windows Media Video (WMV)

29. ACCDB – Microsoft Database (Microsoft Office Access 2007)

30. MDB (.mdb, .ldb) – Microsoft Database
31. ADP – Microsoft Access project

32. PDI – Portable Database Image

33. PUB – Microsoft Publisher

34. -wma - Windows Media Audio

35. -wmb - Windows Media Video

36. PDF – Portable Document Format

37. EGT – EGT Universal Document

38. XML – (.xml) – eXtensible Markup Language

39. HTML – HyperText Markup Language (.html, .htm)
.mobi – Mobipocket documents

40. ODT – OpenDocument text document

41. OTT – OpenDocument text document template
TTF (.ttf, .ttc) – TrueType Font

42. CPT – Corel PHOTO-PAINT image

43. JPEG, JFIF (.jpg or .jpeg) – Joint Photographic Experts Group

44. PNG – Portable Network Graphic

45. TIFF (.tif or .tiff) – Tagged Image File Format

46. PPS – Microsoft PowerPoint Show

47. PPT – Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation

48. 3GP – the most common video format for cell phones

49. AVI – container, video file

50. DAT – video standard data file (automatically created when we attempted to burn as video file
on the CD)

52. FLV – Flash video file

53. .dtd - Document Type Definition (standard)

54. LCD = Liquid Crystal Display

55. LED = Light Emitting Diode

56. VCD = Video Compact Disk

57. DOS = Disk Operating System

58. IBM = International Business Machines
59. INTEL = Integrated Electronics

60. BIOS = Basic Input/Output System

61. VGA refers to video graphics adapter

62. MICR refers to magnetic ink character reader

63. ATM refers to automated taller machine

64. The process of starting or restarting a computer is Boot
65. Cache is related to the memory in a computer

66. DOS is a system of disk operating

67. In e-mail, CC means carbon copy

68. The character must exist in an e-mail address is @

69. To end a program, you have to press Alt+F4

70. To find out the errors in a program is called Debuging

71. UPS refers to uninterruptible power supply

72. .ttf is a font file extension

English Literature:

Name of the Writers and their Books:

1) “India Wins Freedom” (Autobiography) writtern by “Abul Kalam Azad”

2) “Rape of the Lock” (Poem) written by “Alexandar Pope”

3) “The Alchemist” (Story) and “Silent Woman” (Story) written by “Ben Jonson”

4) “David Copperfield” (Novel), “A Tale of Two Cities” (Novel), “The Old Curiosity Shop” (Novel), “Oliver Twist” (Novel), “Great Expectation” (Novel) written by “Charles Dickens”

5) “Tamburlaine the Great” (Play), “The Jew of Malta” (Play) and “Doctor Faustus” (Play) written by “Christopher Marlowe”

6) “A Farewell to Arms” (Novel), “The Old Man and The Sea” (Novel), “The Sun also Rises” (Novel) and “For Whom the Bell Tolls” (Novel) written by “Ernest Hemingway”

7) “Caeser and Cleopatra” (Play), “Arms and the Man” (Play), “Man and Superman” (Play) and “Doctor’s Dilema” (Play) written by “G. B. Shaw”

8) “Animal Farm” (Novel) and “Ninteen Eighty Four” (Novel) written by “George Orwell”

9) “Ode to Nightmare” (Ode), “Ode on a Grecian Urn” (Ode) and “Ode to Autumn” (Ode) written by “John Keats”

10) “Gulliver’s Travel” (Satire) written by “Jonathon Swift”

11) “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage” (Poem), “Don Juan” (Poem), “The Vision of Judgment” (Poem) and “Heaven and Earth” (Poem) written by “Lord Byron”

12) “The Patriot” (Poem) written by “Robert Browning”

13) “The Jungle Book” (Novel) written by “Rudyard Kipling”

14) Comedy Play: “Mid Summer Night’s Dream”, “The Tempest”, “As You Like It”, “Merchant of Venice”, “Julius Caeser”, “Comedy of Errors”, “The Taming of the Shrew” and

Tragedy Play: “Othello”, “Macbeth”, “King Lear”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “Hamlet” written by “William Shakespeare”

15) “Pamela” (Novel) written by “Samuel Richardson”

16) “The Gift of the Magi” (Short Story), “Cabbage and Kings” (Short Story), “Roads of Destiny” (Short Story) and “Sixes and Seven” (Short Story) written by “Sidney William Porter”

17) “Ivanhoe” (Novel), “Heart of Midlothian” (Novel), “The lay of Last Minstrel” (Poem) and “Patriotism” (Poem) written by “Sir Walter Scott”

18) “The Waste Land” (Poem) and “Four Quarters” (Poem) written by “T. S. Eliot”

19) “Of Human Bondage” (Novel) and “The Moon and Sixpence” (Novel) written by “Somerset Maugham ”

20) “Songs of Innocence, Songs of Experience” (Poem) written by “William Blake”

Monday, October 06, 2014


Today is holy Day. Today is our Religious festival day. Enjoy this day.

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Cattle dog how much useful for you:

1.Very well cleaned and well boiled before 1khaoyara and Need to be haunted by the bacteria in the cow's body.
3. Remember, there are 100 grams to 4 grams of fat and 157 mg cholesterol bhurite.
3.Heart patient can eat during the day and 00 mg cholesterol 3ekajana ekajanasusthya people can eat a day to 300 mg cholesterol. Safe levels of cholesterol a day, half of the susthyamanusera and safe levels of cholesterol a day, 79% moves harterarogira 100 gramabhuri just playing (as well as all day and have no other khabarato). 
4. Fat is also more harmful to the two kinds of saturated fats (1.3 g) and trans fats (0. g)....
5.Yes, there are 4 of 5tabe nutrients zinc, selenium, iron okyalasiyama. But these 4 elements from the first three peyeyabena beef.  

7 kinds of things do not share on Facebook anonymously:

1) You have no evidence of crime

Facebook now has gone to all kinds of people. Where no one had heard of such a thing, and we hear him boast about thieves break through and steal things and upload pictures on Facebook and as a result has been phemse. We are not talking about reading classed them. However, petty crime, such as a friend's book, Passing the test of writing it is not going to post on Facebook. Now we hear from the teachers and students can be seen on Facebook. Similarly the so-reputed "gang" member, your neck-neck with tamuka terror corps, to the post of danger, but is likely.

Ii) on the offensive

Maybe your negative ideas and opinions about any thakateii. Facebook says it is not good to take it to overreact. Rather, it expresses the mentality of your child. As a result, it paid close attention to each of your friends in your post here.

3) personal information

There is no barrier to disclosure of certain information online. As your graduation, Engagement, marriage, child birth, etc. The good news is getting a new job. If you'll be pleased to know that innocent people on your Friend. But there are some things that I did not tell anyone beranoi bhaloyemana death too sudden bad news of divorce, illness, etc. anyone.

4) irrelevant "Like" to get

We see that we hear, like with like-greedy and try to get some sort of feeling of the people is Islam. It is written with an impressive description of the incident, "the story when you like / share". When the matter exceeds tolerance of things like death or accident to trade like this. Do not short yourself by some fault in the eyes of others.

5) the information is about someone else's post, he could be bothered

You can post your own personal information, without any bother, you'll be the only losers. But when the post someone else's personal data will not disclose it without the consent of the fault naete bother seeing that the man, in addition to any damage done to your ignorance of its stars. Issue of controversy among friends on Facebook to do the good itself.

6) information that may cause you to leave a job

Facebook in your office can have many. His personal life is not so sensitive to things like Facebook posts. It may be that your employer that you saw some of the worst decisions you took to trimming. Also getting a new job that can contribute to the negative post khetreo. So be careful about posting.

7), which is something that is not acceptable in the eyes of society

The friends you have on Facebook, but they are part of your society. Between them in order to do something about your bad ideas are created. Dharmanubhuti or hit them, especially moral, do not post anything.