Thursday, November 20, 2014

Some Abbreviation (2)

CIRDAP= Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific
CNN= Cable News Network
CRD= Central Recovery Department
CRR (Cash Reserve Ratio) (It is the amount that commercial bank have keep at Central Bank as deposit. Currently for Non Islamic commercial banks 4% and Islamic commercial bank6%)
DNA= De-ox ribonucleic Acid
DA= Daily Allowance/ Dearness allowance
DAE= Department of Agricultural Extension
DB= Detective Branch
DCCI= Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry
DFI= Direct Foreign Investment
ECG= Electro Cardio Gram
ECNEC= Executive Committee of National Economic Council
 EPZ= Export Processing Zone
ESCAP= Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
EVA= Economic Value Added
FAO= Food and Agricultural Organization
FDI= Foreign Direct Investment
FBCCI= Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry FY= Fiscal Year
FOB= Free on Board
FBI= Federal Bureau of Investigation
FIFA= Federation of International Football Association
GATT= General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (At Present WTO)
GDP (Gross Domestic Product) It denotes the total of goods and services produced by a nation over a given period, usually 1 year excluding income earned by citizen abroad and
including income of foreigner within the country.
GNP (Gross national product) It denotes the value of all final goods and services
produced within a nation in a given year, plus income earned by its citizens abroad, minus
income earned by foreigners from domestic production. GMT= Greenwich Mean Time
GPRS= General Packet Radio Service
GSM= Global System for Mobile Communication
HIV= Human Immunodeficiency Virus
IAEA= International Atomic Energy Agency
IFC= International Finance Corporation
IRRI= International Rice Research Institute.
IAS= International Accounting Standard
IBRD= International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
ICJ= International Court of Justice
ICB= Investment Corporation of Bangladesh
ICSID= International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
IDB= Islamic Development Bank
IDA= International Development Association (Also called 'soft-loan-window')
IFC= International Finance Corporation
IOC= international Olympic Committee
ILO= International Labor Organization
IMF = International Monetary Fund
Interpol= International Criminal Police Organization
ISD= International Subscriber Dialing
ISP= Internet Service Provider

Monday, November 17, 2014

Some Abbreviation (1)

ADB= Asian Development Bank
ADP= Annual Development Program
APEC= Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
ASEAN= Association of South East Asian Nation
AIDS= Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
BARD= Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development
BAPEX= Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration and Production Company Limited
BARI= Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institution
BASIC= Bank of Small Industries and Commerce
BASIS= Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services
BATEXPO= Bangladesh Textile Exposition
BCS= Bangladesh Civil Service
BEPZA= Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority
BINA= Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture.
BKMEA= Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association
BIMSTEC= Bay of Bengal Initiatives on Multi- Sectorial Technical and Economy Cooperation
BJMA= Bangladesh Jute Mills Association
BOA= Bangladesh Olympic Association
BOI= Board of Investment
BRTC= Bangladesh Road Transport corporation
BSTI= Bangladesh Standard and testing Institution
BTC= Bangladesh Tariff Commission
BBC= British Broadcasting Corporation
BIS= Bank of International Settlement
BO= Beneficiary Owner
BRRI= Bangladesh Rice Research Institution
BSA= Bangladesh Standard on Auditing
BTCL= BangladeshTelecommunication Company Limited
BTRC= Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission
BTTB= Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board
CAA= Civil Aviation Authority
CAB= Consumers' Association of Bangladesh
CARE= Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere
CID= Criminal Investigation Department
CNG= Compressed Natural Gas
CDBL= Central Depository Bangladesh Limited
CIA= Central Intelligence Agency
CBA= Collective Bargaining Agent
CIB= Credit Information Bureau

Some Abbreviation

*J.S.C- Junior School Certificate.
*J.D.C- Junior Dakhil Certificate.
*S.S.C- Secondary School Certificate.
*H.S.C- Higher Secondary Certificate.
*A.M— Ante meridian.
*P.M— Post meridian.
*B. A— Bachelor of Arts.
*B.B.S - Bachelor of Business Studies.
*B.S.S- Bachelor of Social Science.
*B.B.A- Bachelor of Business Administration.
*M.B.A- Masters of Business Administration.
*B.C.S- Bangladesh Civil Service.
*M.A. — Master of Arts.
*B.Sc.— Bachelor of Science.
*M.Sc.— Master of Science.
*B.Sc. Ag.— Bachelor of Science in Agriculture.
*M.Sc.Ag.— Master of Science in Agriculture.
*M.B.B.S.— Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery.
*M.D.— Doctor of Medicine./ Managing director.
*M.S.— Master of Surgery.
*Ph.D./ D.Phil.— Doctor of Philosophy (Arts & Science)
*D.Litt./Lit.— Doctor of Literature/ Doctor of Letters.
*D.Sc.— Doctor of Science.
*B.Com.— Bachelor of Commerce.
*M.Com.— Master of Commerce.
*B.ed- Bachelor of education.
*Dr.— Doctor.
*Mr. — Mister.
*Mrs. — Mistress.
*Miss — used before unmarried girls.
*M.P.— Member of Parliament.
*M.L.A.— Member of Legislative Assembly.
*M.L.C— Member of Legislative Council.
*P.M.— Prime Minister.
*V.P- Vice President./ Vice Principal.
*V.C- Vice Chancellor.
*D.C- District Commissioner./ Deputy Commissioner.
*S.P- Police Super.
*S.I- Sub Inspector.